Get comfortable saying NO with my FREE 5 day

How To Say No Challenge



You know those times when you say yes to something at work and then immediately wish you’d said no?

Every yes adds up, making your to do list never-ending, causing you to work longer hours and feel thinly spread and overwhelmed.  You get to the end of the day exhausted with no energy left for the people and things that matter to you.

That’s why it is so important to be able to say no to non-priority work. To take control of your workload and your working day. To say boundaries and focus on your priorities.  But it’s easier said than done right?

Which is why I’ve created my 5 step How To Say No framework - to make it simpler for you!  And you can learn the framework and put it into action in just 5 days!

This is for you if…

  • You already have too much work to do but find yourself saying yes to things that are not a priority for you
  • You feel uncomfortable saying no when someone asks you to take on extra work
  • You worry people will think you are unhelpful if you say no
  • You think you might be a people pleaser and you’d like to learn how to prioritize your own work and needs
  • When you do say no you feel super guilty about it

Saying no can feel hard which is why I’ve created my 5 step How To Say No framework - to make it easier for you! And you can learn it and put it into action in just 5 days!


I get it - you’re busy!

But how much time are you spending doing work that you wish you’d said no to?

And how much mental energy are you wasting getting annoyed with yourself for saying yes to that work or being a people pleaser?

Spend 5 minutes a day for just one week mastering the art of saying no and you could be saving yourself hours of work each week. Forever!!

Because this is transformational. I’m not just teaching you how to say no. I’m going to help you:

Understand WHAT tasks/activities/responsibilities you need to start saying no to
Identify what is making you say yes when you want to say no
Reframe an unhelpful belief that is holding you back
Create a pause and make better decisions
Say no with confidence

How it works…

  • You’ll get a welcome email when you sign up and the challenge emails will start the following day
  • Each day you’ll receive an email sharing the next step of the How To Say No framework
  • There will be a short video and some questions to help you apply it to your own situation
  • It takes a total of 5-10 minutes a day

About your coach

  • Host of global top 2% Influence & Impact for female leaders podcast with 190,000 downloads to date
  • Author of ‘Closing the Influence Gap: A practical guide for women leaders who want to be heard’ - named by Management Today as “one of the books every leader should read in 2022”.
  • 15 year’s experience coaching leaders and has worked with over 500 women leaders through her popular Influence & Impact programme
  • Founder of Women Leading, the community that helps women lead without overwhelm
  • Recovering people pleaser who still has to use her How To Say No Framework on a regular basis