Ep 34 - Career lessons I've learned from 25 years of working

Uncategorized Feb 07, 2021

 I had a moment of feeling old this week when I realised that I’ve been working for 25 years now!  I like to think I’ve accumulated some wisdom along the way and I also know I have lots of new listeners to my podcast so I thought I would share the career lessons I’ve learned from 25 years of working and share a bit about my career journey in the process. 

 This is a really honest account of the ups and downs of my career and I hope that you’ll find something in here that resonates with where you are  now. 

 I talk about believing in yourself, choosing the job that’s right for you, communication challenges, perfectionism and the downside to letting your identity be defined by your work.

 The doors to Influence & Impact, my 12 month group coaching programme for female leaders are now open.  Join me to tackle self-doubt, become brilliant at influencing and make more impact at work.  Find out more here


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