Influence & Impact for
Female Leaders 

A podcast from Carla Miller

The Seven Deadly Sins of Delegation

Aug 23, 2021

Being great at delegating can make a big difference to your workload, stress levels and how you develop your team... but are you making these delegation mistakes? 

Delegating effectively saves time, reduces your workload and stress levels, ensures individual skills and resources are utilised, gives your team chances to develop and is vital for succession planning. But we often don’t delegate as much as we should. 

How do you know if you need to delegate more?  

Here are some signs:

  • You’re struggling to get through your to do list 
  • You’re lacking time to focus on your priorities 
  • You’re working in a very reactivr way and fighting fires 
  • Your team rarely step out of their routine responsibilities 
  • The organisation or your team would be completely lost if you moved on 


Although delegating is important, it’s also something that many managers and leaders struggle with....

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